Friday, March 26, 2010

Keybinding: The end of the keybinding posts

Jeez, once again it's been way too long since I've posted an update.  Unfortunately, time doesn't wait for me, and I've yet to perfect my method for unaided temporal distortion.  Maybe it'd work better if my house moved faster relative to the speed of light.  It's kind of just stuck in place for now...

In any case, you were promised my personal keybindings, strategies, and a resolution to the mystery of Q and E! Firstly, as for Q and E, if you've mastered the mouse turn and side step: put whatever the hell you want on them, they're now free keys.  Yay!

Now for my personal keybindings:

1 -  Shield Slam
2 -  Devastate
3 - Revenge + HS (macro, does just HS if R is on cooldown)
4 - Thunderclap
5 - Cleave
6 - Taunt
7 - Mocking Blow
Q - Shockwave
E - Shield Bash
R - Conc Blow
T - Charge/Intercept/Intervene macro
Y - Heroic Throw
F - Challenging Shout
G - Grenade (engineering)
~`(tilde) - Shield Wall
alt+1 - Shield Block
alt+2 - Bloodrage
alt+3 - (don't remember, not sure if this is mapped)
alt+4 - Rend
alt+5 - Spell Reflect
alt+~` - Last Stand
Shift+1 and 2 - on use defensive trinkets
Shift+4 - Disarm
Shift+G - Enraged Regen
Shift+~` - Comm shout 
Shift+F - Intimidating Shout
mouse button 4 - autorun
mouse button 5 - Battle Shout
alt+mouse 5 - Demo shout 
shift+mouse 4 - Berserker Rage

Okay, I think that covers all the binds.  For the life of me, there's probably something on Alt+3, but I can't remember it, it may have been skipped due to awkward hand positioning. Aside from the above, I've also remapped my arrow keys for quick marking.  I know there are addons out there like QuikMark and maybe others, but the default interface works fine and doesn't require a bar on my screen:
Left arrow - Skull
Up Arrow - Moon
Down Arrow - X (cross)
Right Arrow - Circle

As tank you'll be leading the charge, and need a means to mark efficiently.  I've tried many methods in the past, but using the arrow keys for my main marks seems to have been the easiest solution 90% of the time, and the times you'd need other marks (such as marking tanks on a fight, or marking more than 4 targets, such as Faction Champs in ToC) you can use the right click option, it's not a big deal.

Lastly, as I've mentioned in the past, I use Bartender4, and have a single bar floating above my main bars for random stuff, most of which isn't keybound.  This includes my auto-attack (to disable on the last boss of FoS on Mirrored Soul), mage Strudel, alternate trinkets (quick click to switch when out of combat if I need to change them on the fly), and other items that may be useful, like for the Oculus Drake, or macros that I only need for specific fights, 'lock Healthstones, et cetera.

Everyone's taste is different, and not everyone likes to configure their bars the same way. There are plenty of threads on the WoW official UI Forums with links to peoples' UIs and bars to check out.  Maybe at some point I'll post a screen of my configuration, but at the moment don't have access to my WoW client.

More posts incoming, and hopefully I'll get a bit more consistent around here going forward. :P
Feel free to comment if you have any keybinding or UI questions.

Upcoming posts: Situational awareness, and as a complement, situational skills and when to ideally use them!

Also, I'm due to post an update on warrior tanking attack priority, some things have changed in the most recent patch to warrant revisiting the subject.

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