Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Engineering: a Warrior's best friend

Engineering is my favorite profession in the game. Seriously, it makes my face go all happy like this:

Yes, there are better professions out there for stat min-maxing and Engineering is considered the "fun" profession (which is all good in my world, fun is cool), but I think it's a bit underrated. Engineering is one of the best professions you can possibly take as a tanking warrior.

Not only do you get cool toys like "ROCKET PUNCH!" and Nitro Boosts for your DPS set, plus your "Jump off a cliff get out of PvP free" card, you get some great tanking toys too.

Reticulated Armor Webbing is hands down the best possible tanking glove enchant you can get your hands on. The Flexweave is extra mitigation and threat on your cloak if you've already got 540 defense or higher, and gets plenty of use if you're like me and enjoy taking skydives from high places. :D

Above and beyond those is the bombs. Bombs, bombs, bombs, these need to be in your rotation NOW. Ok, not all of them, but the Saronite bombs are a huge boon for the level 80 PvE Warrior tank.

Warriors don't get a lot of AoE tools for threat management, and these grenades give us a much needed advantage for holding AoE threat against a heavy DPS group. There's really no limit on the number of mobs you can hit with a grenade, and it's great for pulling threat back on runners, starting an AoE pull for bonus threat, or just extra DPS and threat against a boss. Plus, they're only on a 60 second timer, meaning you'll be able to toss one at least every other pull and several times on bosses.

Oh, and bonus: these babies are off the Global Cooldown. You can use them any time their internal CD is up and it won't affect your attack priority or your queued up Heroic Strikes or Cleaves at all. 100% pure profit.

While Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting are the accepted "min-max" professions for tanks, I think for warriors specifically, Engineering is best, paired with either Blacksmithing or Jewelcrafting for the best bang for your tanking buck.

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